Elise Montgomerie

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As parents most of us can agree that the two best parts of our children’s winter vacation is not waking up for early morning drop off and not having any homework! Yahooooo for us! However, all of this freedom does not create very much structure or routine which is what our children truly crave.
What should we do? PLAN!
Here are 4 steps to help bring back structure and routine during winter vacation:

1.    Plan ahead. Create a routine. I tell my daughter that every day when we wake up, we are going to eat breakfast, go to the park (I live in Florida) and then maybe do an inside activity. Engage your children. Get them to help plan your vacation. Make play dates. Clean out some drawers or closets that you haven’t had time to do while school was in session. 
2.    Make a calendar with your kids to show your schedule for your vacation. This is a fun activity you all can do together and it gives them something to look forward to.
3.    Schedule a volunteer activity. Holidays are a time for giving. Volunteer at a local food bank. Buy some presents and have your kids deliver them with you to less fortunate children. Remind them how lucky they are.
4.    Relax! Enjoy this very special time with your kids. Before you know they will be off to college (my oldest leaves next year, yikes!) You can also schedule relaxation time with your kids. Snuggle up in your bed and watch a movie. Pop some popcorn and have your own movie night at home.

Happy Holidays,